TSX-V: LMG $0.17
OTC: LNCLF $0.1201
FRA: ZMG.F $0.1

Investors Overview

Lincoln Gold’s first step in the plans for production is to begin construction of the Bell Mountain Mine operation, with a goal to be in production by the end of 2025. Bell Mountain is fully permitted, and the design of the operation is already complete. The project’s capital cost is low and the return on investment is estimated to be over 50%. As there is excellent potential to increase resources at Bell Mountain, exploration surrounding the four current deposit areas will proceed around the same time.

At the Pine Grove project, permitting will continue and is expected to be completed within 18 to 24 months. In 2025, work will include final EIS permitting, updating the Plan of Operations, submitting state permit applications, and completing a financial plan for the project for the construction of the mine.

As the Company advances it will be on the lookout for other mining opportunities in North America, with a focus on Nevada in the United States.

  Last Volume Day High Day Low
TSX-V: LMG $0.17 16,100 $0.17 $0.17
OTC: LNCLF $0.1201 18,000 $0.1201 $0.1201
Quote delayed by 15 minutes

Why Invest

production icon
Near-Term Production
The Bell Mountain project has fully permitted status and has a comprehensive mine plan in place, which offers the Company an opportunity to reach gold production in the near-term. The Pine Grove project, which is in the final stages of mine permitting, offers an ongoing production opportunity in addition to Bell Mountain operations. Both projects have significant exploration potential in addition to existing mineral resources.
location icon
Strategic Locations
Both properties are in the mining friendly state of Nevada and reasonably close to each other, which will allow certain personnel to be able to work at both locations, thereby reducing staffing requirements. Nevada offers clear and positive mining laws and regulations designed to work with mining companies in a positive, environmentally safe manner.
track record icon
Proven Track Record
Lincoln Gold Mining has an outstanding team and brings together several senior mining executives, engineers and entrepreneurs with a worldwide record of precious metals exploration, mine-finding, mine-building and fund-raising. Senior management have over 30 years of exploration, development and mining experience and have been involved in the building and operations of numerous mining projects around the world, especially in North America.
world supply icon
World Gold Supply
Gold is a metal that has had long term financial and industrial uses. It continues to rise in monetary value and is now used more and more in industry, including space-age technology and computer systems. Gold has many buyers and no matter how much of it is produced around the world it is always in demand. Production of precious metals is generally more expensive per unit produced than base metals due to rigorous quality constraints and exacting quality control.

Reports & Filings

Interim Financial Statements and MD&A September 30, 2024 PDF
Interim Financial Statements and MD&A June 30, 2024 PDF
Interim Financial Statements and MD&A March 31, 2024 PDF