TSX-V: LMG $0.17
OTC: LNCLF $0.1201
FRA: ZMG.F $0.1

Stock Information



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  Last Volume Day High Day Low
TSX-V: LMG $0.17 16,000 $0.17 $0.17
OTC: LNCLF $0.1201 18,000 $0.1201 $0.1201

TSX Venture Exchange: LMG.V
U.S. OTC Markets: LNCLF
Frankfurt Stock Exchange: ZMG.F

Lincoln Gold Mining Inc. trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LMG.V; in the U.S. OTC Markets Pink Sheets as symbol LNCLF; and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as symbol ZMG.F.

At January 6, 2025 share capital structure is:

Authorized Unlimited common shares
Issued & Outstanding 21,059,831
Convertible Debentures * 933,333
Warrants 11,742,758
Options 225,000
Fully Diluted 33,960,922

Note: Lincoln closed a non-brokered private placement of four convertible debenture units, which is detailed in the Company’s news release dated January 6, 2025.

On January 11, 2023, Lincoln Gold Mining Inc. announced that it would proceed with a share consolidation on a basis of one (1) post-consolidation share for every ten (10) pre-consolidation shares. The consolidation became effective on March 8, 2023.

IRS Form 8937 (U.S. shareholders) PDF